I just wanna drown myself in a lake in twilight
And then walk away like nothing happened with a hood of course
Nice way for dying
Or I can beat myself to death
Or I can just throw myself from a high building
And take a good look at that dead body probably with a white dress yeah that would be nice
And the me up there with a black hood again
Ooh nice a lot of blood would be around
Turns so nice
And so tempting for real
And then at the end I again walk away like nothing happened
Amd leave the crowd
And their bloody annoying noises
+I f*cking don't care anymore
About what other people think about me
It's not like anybody cares for me anyway
I like to stand on my own grave in a rainy day
And just look at it for an hour or so
And then leave
I want this
Oh God
I'm so angry and mad today
I'm having fights with myself
Why don't you just die
That's what the black me is telling me
Well you know the bro version of me is somewhere else so yup there is just the self destructive me and me right now!
Too muck pressure I guess
Nothing to worry about
F*ck life
I wish I could have an endless sleep I'm so tired
I want a warm hug
I'm so cold
I'm so alone
And I feel so lonely
Ah forget about
It's not like anyone cares about all these
I better go